
Reading Watching Listening


Cork Dork by Bianca Bosker. On the polar opposite of Wine. All The Time., which I read just before this, this book makes me want to run away from the wine world screaming. I am FIRMLY on Marissa Ross’s side when it comes to approaches to wine (aka I want to feel relatively confident discussing, purchasing, and drinking wine). Becoming a sommelier sounds horrifying, though in a way where I suppose I kind of admire these people? Bosker’s writing is fresh and entertaining, so the book is a good read. It just also makes me want to scream fairly frequently.


Jane the Virgin. Okay, technically I watched this. I’m caught up and stoked for the next season. It took me forever to get over the premise of this show (anyone who has grown up in a religious household where virgin birth is taught as a real possibility is probably going to at least be residually uncomfortable with the notion.) I’m glad my friends persisted in telling me how much they liked it, because I’m loving the modern telenovela structure, the narrator is hilarious, and the characters are loveable and weird.


A lot of CBC Radio 2 this week. Which is never a bad choice in my book.

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