Reading Watching Listening
Selfish, Shallow, and Self-Absorbed: Sixteen Writers on the Decision Not to Have Kids edited by Megan Daum. I previously posted a Read This about Megan Daum’s thoughts on this subject, which you can find here. A weird thing happened while I was reading this book. I found myself agreeing most whole-heartedly with the men who contributed essays. I think it is in part because I have never felt conflicted about the issue, never felt like I should want it, or like I wanted to want it. And I’ve never felt the need to justify this to myself (to others, yes, all the time, but to myself, no). It’s a fantastic collection, though. Props to Megan Daum for assembling a wide-ranging, thoughtful representation of the decision not to have children.
Star Trek: First Contact. My friend and I discovered that this was on Netflix Canada the other weekend when I was staying with her, and it actually holds up.
I’ve recently been spending a lot of time driving on highways with the music cranked, and Pentatonix’s cover of “Lean On” has been on major repeat for these trips.