
  • Mantras,  Quotations


    “I meant,” said Ipslore bitterly, “what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?” Death thought about it. CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE. — Terry Pratchett, Sourcery

  • Mantras,  Quotations


    Walking was not fast enough, so we ran. Running was not fast enough, so we galloped. Galloping was not fast enough, so we sailed. Sailing was not fast enough, so we rolled merrily along on long metal tracks. Long metal tracks were not fast enough, so we drove. Driving was not fast enough, so we flew. Flying isn’t fast enough, not fast enough for us. We want to get there faster. Get where? Wherever we are not. But a human soul can only go as fast as a man can walk, they used to say. In that case, where are all the souls? Left behind. They wander here and there,…

  • Mantras,  Quotations


    This is what separates artists from ordinary people: the belief, deep in our hearts, that if we build our castles well enough, somehow the ocean won’t wash them away. — Anne Lamott

  • Mantras,  Quotations


    If I stay long enough in the studio, just stay with the work even if it doesn’t feel great or seem satisfying or directional or conclusive, if I just stay to tend and garden, then my mind gradually yields control to the more automatic labor of painting, and with that comes a sweet spot in the process further down, a worn groove, a sense of ease. — Anna Schuleit

  • Mantras,  Quotations


    Ella is looking at her oddly. “What’s the matter, Morag?” “I – don’t know. Sometimes I get – well, scared. I don’t feel all that normal.” Ella shrugs. “So – who wants to be normal, anyhow?” “I do,” Morag says with passionate conviction. “Oh Ella, I do. I want to be able to talk to boys the way they want to be talked to. Only I can’t seem to get the trick of it.” “Boys like that are schmucks,” Ella says furiously. “But yeh, I know what you mean.” “You too?” “Yeh. I went out with this guy a coupla weeks ago, and I thought Now this is It. Here is your opportunity,…