
  • Mantras,  Quotations


    If I stay long enough in the studio, just stay with the work even if it doesn’t feel great or seem satisfying or directional or conclusive, if I just stay to tend and garden, then my mind gradually yields control to the more automatic labor of painting, and with that comes a sweet spot in the process further down, a worn groove, a sense of ease. — Anna Schuleit

  • Mantras,  Quotations


    Ella is looking at her oddly. “What’s the matter, Morag?” “I – don’t know. Sometimes I get – well, scared. I don’t feel all that normal.” Ella shrugs. “So – who wants to be normal, anyhow?” “I do,” Morag says with passionate conviction. “Oh Ella, I do. I want to be able to talk to boys the way they want to be talked to. Only I can’t seem to get the trick of it.” “Boys like that are schmucks,” Ella says furiously. “But yeh, I know what you mean.” “You too?” “Yeh. I went out with this guy a coupla weeks ago, and I thought Now this is It. Here is your opportunity,…