• Recommendations,  Required Reading

    Read This

    Required Reading. I am in the midst of one of those weeks that is low on sleep, high on coffee and worries and tears. When life gets like this I start to wonder if maybe, just maybe, I should have chosen to be someone else, some other version of myself. This piece somehow understands that. Hallie Cantor’s “Types of Women I Could Be, But Am Not“. I could be a woman who works at a cozy coffee shop where the baked goods are actually good. My warm smile would offer my customers a tiny emotional oasis from the bustling “rat race” of their regular lives. I would have only a…

  • Mantras,  Quotations


    On one side of the balance is the need for home, for the deep solid roots of place and belonging; on the other is the desire for travel and motion, for the single separate spark of the self freely moving forward, out into time, into the great absorbing stream of the world. A fierce internal debate, between staying moored and drifting away, between holding on and letting go. Perhaps wisdom lies in our ability to negotiate between these two poles. Necessary to us, both of them – but how to live in connection without feeling suffocated, compromised, erased? We long to connect; we fear that if we do, our freedom and…

  • Uncategorized

    Reading Watching Listening

    Reading… An endless selection of at best moderately enjoyable texts for school and work. So nothing I think anyone else needs to check out.   Watching… The Americans. Guys, this show is good. Compelling acting and interesting plot lines.   Listening… Basically the entire Barra MacNeils catalog. But especially The Question which massively informed my musical tastes growing up. I have particular love for “The Ballad of Lucy Jordan” and “She the Ocean”. The Ballad of Lucy Jordan (how quintessentially mid-90s is this video?) She the Ocean

  • Photography

    Fogged In/Wrong Way

    I’ve added a few more images to my print shop, including 8×10 prints of this image. It is many years old. Pre-dslr. I think I was on my second digital camera. You know, when it was exciting to have 3 megapixels and a 1.5″ screen. But while I love fog, I am rarely successful at photographing it. This image though, gets it. Not just visually, but something about the weight and density, something about the closeness and dampness.

  • Uncategorized

    Read This

    Required Reading. This New Yorker piece made me laugh. Out loud. This is a rarer occurrence than I would really like it to be, but, alas, life has left me grouchy and angry and scowl-y, so for writing to elicit anything more than a subdued chortle from me is impressive. But this piece did that. Perhaps it’s because I love people watching. Perhaps it’s because making up amusing stories about people in public delights me. Perhaps it is because it is so well written that I can picture it like a tv episode in my head. Perhaps it’s something else. But regardless, You should read “A Breakup Ceremony in Mccarran Park”…

  • Uncategorized

    Read This

    Required Reading. Actually, today it is required watching. I have been speed reading a seemingly endless stack of books for school and work, so more reading seems unfathomable. I also had a very weird day; you know, the kind of day where nothing notable really happens but by the end of it you are exhausted and emotionally spent. So I’m feeling a bit raw for words right now. When I’m feeling raw though, I love to watch dance videos. This video of Sergei Polunin dancing to Hozier’s “Take Me To Church” is not new, but I never grow tired of watching it. Sergei Polunin, “Take Me to Church” by Hozier, Directed…

  • Recommendations,  Required Reading

    Read This

    Required Reading. I think everyone who loves books has specific authors that they return to over and over again. And I think that each of these authors is returned to for a very specific set of reasons. I return to Rebecca Lee frequently, most often to her short stories, though this is perhaps a feature of my lack of time than of an particular preference for her short stories over her novels. And I turn to her frequently because she is one of a handful of writers who writes supremely, darkly, complicated-ly real characters. This is the story “Bobcat” from her collection Bobcat and Other Stories, a collection that I picked…

  • Mantras,  Quotations


    “I meant,” said Ipslore bitterly, “what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?” Death thought about it. CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE. — Terry Pratchett, Sourcery