If we knew what we were doing, it would not be called research, would it? — Albert Einstein
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Required Reading. Actually, today it is required watching. I have been speed reading a seemingly endless stack of books for school and work, so more reading seems unfathomable. I also had a very weird day; you know, the kind of day where nothing notable really happens but by the end of it you are exhausted and emotionally spent. So I’m feeling a bit raw for words right now. When I’m feeling raw though, I love to watch dance videos. This video of Sergei Polunin dancing to Hozier’s “Take Me To Church” is not new, but I never grow tired of watching it. Sergei Polunin, “Take Me to Church” by Hozier, Directed…
Tired and wired we ruin too easy Sleep in our clothes and wait for winter to leave — “Apartment Story”, The National
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Required Reading. I think everyone who loves books has specific authors that they return to over and over again. And I think that each of these authors is returned to for a very specific set of reasons. I return to Rebecca Lee frequently, most often to her short stories, though this is perhaps a feature of my lack of time than of an particular preference for her short stories over her novels. And I turn to her frequently because she is one of a handful of writers who writes supremely, darkly, complicated-ly real characters. This is the story “Bobcat” from her collection Bobcat and Other Stories, a collection that I picked…